Einführung - Calligaris

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Bei seiner Tätigkeit als Arzt entdeckte Dr. Calligaris bei seinen Patienten parallel zu bestimmten Krankheitsbildern besondere sensible Hautstellen.
Sensitive, empfindliche Punkte und Linien auf der Haut kennen wir von verschiedenen Therapiesystemen des Ostens und Westens als Reflexzonen, z. B. die Fußreflexzonen. Letztere sind indes von den von Calligaris gefundenen "Plaques" zu unterscheiden. Diese Reflexzonen, in der Calligaristechnik Plaques genannt, sind zunächst auf Körperorgane bezogen. Die seelisch-geistigen sowie kosmischen Zusammenhänge wurden dabei nur selten diagnostisch-therapeutisch realisiert und konkretisiert.
Neben rein körperlichen Entsprechungen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Reflexzonen, die
- Gedankenübertragung fördern
- Hellsichtigkeit verleihen
- Blicke in Zukunft und Vergangenheit ermöglichen
- Aurasichtigkeit zulassen
- Hautsehen und Nachtsichtigkeit gestatten.
Zur gezielten Herbeiführung solch außersinnlicher Phänomene bedarf es jedoch
- einen besonders exakten Lokalisierung der Plaques
- einer aufwendigen Ladung der Plaques
- absoluter Einstimmung der Anwender.
Als die Amerikaner im Jahre 1943 von Sizilien aus große Teile Süditaliens besetzten und der Krieg mit dem Vordringen der alliierten Truppen in eine entscheidende Phase getreten war, folgte diesen ein Sonderkommando des Geheimdienstes mit einer ungewöhnlichen Mission:
Die Aufgabe dieses Sonderkommandos bestand im Aufkauf bzw. Einsammeln der Restbestände der Werke von Dr. Calligaris in den Buchläden der besetzten Gebiete.
Neben anerkannten medizinischen Werken hatte Dr. Calligaris rund 20 Bücher veröffentlicht, in denen Tausende von Experimenten beschrieben waren, die das Hervorrufen mannigfaltigster parapsychologischer Phänomene beschrieb.
Es handelt sich hierbei um Phänomene wie Hellsichtigkeit, Zukunfts- und Vergangenheitsschau, Telepathie, alternative Untersuchung und Behandlung von Krankheiten, Nachtsichtigkeit und sogar Erscheinungen der Bilokation (Möglichkeit, gleichzeitig an 2 oder mehr Orten zu erscheinen bzw. wahrgenommen zu werden).
Calligaris hatte auf der Hautoberfläche gewisse Reizpunkte entdeckt, Plaques genannt, deren gezielte Stimulation Heilungsprozesse als auch psychologische Phänomene, ja sogar parapsychologische Fähigkeiten bewirkt.
Bei diesen Reizpunkten handelt es sich überwiegend um Punkte mit Durchmessern von 8-12 mm.
Das Auffinden dieser Punkte ist anfangs nicht gerade leicht, mit einiger Übung stellen sich jedoch in der Regel befriedigende Erfolge ein.

Hintergrund für das geheimdienstliche Interesse war offensichtlich die Möglichkeit parapsychologischer Kriegsführung. Die Amerikaner hatten ihre Kenntnis von der Calligaris-Technik über Kontakte ihres Geheimdienstes zur süditalienischen Mafia bekommen. Das Einsammeln der Bücher sollte laut Bernardino del Boca (9.8.1919-9.12.2001) sowjetischer Agententätigkeit zuvorkommen. Trotz des Erfolges der amerikanischen Aktion gelangten gleichwohl Bücher und Wissen von Calligaris in die Sowjetunion und wurden dort ebenso wie in den USA auf ihre Anwendbarkeit geprüft.
Angeblich wurde an 23 größeren Instituten der UdSSR in erheblichem Umfange geforscht.

Die Studien von Dr. Calligaris wurden parallel von Dr. Leprince in Frankreich begleitet.
Ab dem Jahre 1975 wurde die Forschung und Lehre von Dr. Walter O. Stark im Tessin weitergeführt.
Ab 1983 wurde diese Technik von Wolfgang Kirsten verbreitet, einem professionellen Nachrichtentechniker. Herr Kirsten hat indes sein Wirken in der Öffentlichkeit eingestellt.
Seit 1990 wird die Calligaris-Technik im deutschsprachigen Bereich überwiegend von der Europäischen Calligaris-Akademie vertreten, in Italien durch S. Fumagalli und F. Gandini von der Associazione Culturale Vega.

Thoughts Do Heal - Dr. Giuseppe (Joseph) Calligaris)
By World Research Foundation in (WRF) "Outstanding Men and Women of Medicine"

The following information is an excerpt from a fascinating lecture presented in England in 1987 by Fr. Hubert M. Schweizer.

Giuseppe (Joseph) Calligaris was born on October 29, 1876, in Forni di Sotto in Northern Italy, where his father was the official community doctor.

It seems that he had a calling to become a natural scientist and therapist. Calligaris studied medicine, received the highest grades and obtained his medical degree in 1901 summa cum laude at the medical facility in Bologna for his pioneering dissertation titled, Thoughts Do Heal.

In 1902, he went to Rome to work as an assistant to Professor Mingazzini, the director of the Institute of Neuropathology at the medical facility of the Royal University. Professor Mingazzini became his spiritual mentor for the next 25 years.

In 1909, Calligaris was asked to be the secretary of the first Italian Congress of Neuropathology. That same year he edited a scientific book of neuropathology, and he moved to Udine, where he set up a hospital for nervous diseases together with his father.

In World War I, Calligaris had to enter the army, where he served as surgeon, and became highly honored for his outstanding knowledge and medical skills. Although he served, he was very critical of politicians and professional military people. He wrote several articles which were critical of the war and the individuals who made a profession out of it. During the war, his hospital was ruined, including his research diaries. Nevertheless, he began again, and wrote dozens of esteemed medical books and articles. Eventually he became he full professor of neurology, and lectured over a thirty year period, from 1909 through 1939.

Calligaris had no ambitions for a university career. He preferred to utilize precious time for research. He published about twenty books, comprised of approximately 20,000 pages dealing with his research into the body-mind skin-reflex chains. The majority of his materials are no longer available. After his death in 1944, they were taken by a secret division of the American government and the Soviet embassy in Bern.

Today his work forms a basis for research at twenty-three Soviet academies.

Calligaris had discovered that certain lines and points on the skin were related to the conscious and subconscious portions of the mind, and even to the enhancing of paranormal abilities. Calligaris called this new research, 'linear chains of the body-mind.' He discovered, experimentally, a network of lines - a grid of longitudinal meridians and parallels of latitude on the skin - that have less electrical resistance, are hyperaesthesic, and form geometrical patterns. For example, he discovered squares, which he called 'windows to the cosmos.'

For over thirty years, Calligaris examined thousands of individuals, and discovered that the system of coordinates and points on the skin of the human body evoked reproducible effects. He proved that everybody could be stimulated to enhance clairvoyance, clairaudience, and precognition and retrocognition, the same way that we learn writing or mathematical calculations.
Calligaris discovered points of intersections of cosmic energies which acted as mirrors, collectors and accumulators. He found that these points could be loaded [i.e. a force applied against the point], for instance, by metal cylinders, and stimulated to better reflect the higher intelligence and to produce an echo of the vital vibrations of the universe.

He believed that our brain just may be a concave mirror for the Universal Consciousness. Of course, there were many people who did not like to hear all of this, and more than once Calligaris was 'dumped' by the academic community, as well as by the Church. In 1928, he was repudiated in the Academy of Science of Udine, where he was labeled a crank. He lost his professional seat in the University, the title of medical doctor, his professional card, and the license for his hospital. He eventually developed a heart condition and diabetes, most likely due to his sorrows.

Despite all the resistance, he never lost courage in is struggle for life and the science he believed in, 'not even for five minutes,' as he himself wrote before his death. Lonely, poor, and badly affected by the second World War, he died on March 31, 1944, in Villa Magredis at Povoletto.

Today the books of Calligaris are rare. They are bought as soon as they become available, and are regarded as extremely valuable. The majority of his books are written in Italian, and virtually nearly none of the works have been translated into other languages.

In several tests before professors, Dr. Calligaris took test subjects, and demonstrated that, when particular parts of the skin were stimulated, they could receive impressions which allowed them to see objects which were out of normal sight.

In order to activate the test subject to become capable of identifying objects on the other side of a wall, Professor Calligaris pressed on a particular point, located on the right side of the rib cage, for approximately fifteen minutes. Touching various points on the anatomy of the test subjects produced different capabilities.

Jules Muheim, a professor doctor of quantum physics in the Swiss Technical University of Zurich writes concerning Calligaris, "In the future, one has to add him [Calligaris] to the greatest scientists of this century. Calligaris found that, with continuous, tender pressure on several spots of the human body . . . that not only the familiar physical feelings such as warmth/cold, tickling, itching, salivation, aches, and other sensations were generated, but emotional feelings including distortion of time and local-moving (space) within cosmic dimensions became possible.

The grid on the body that Calligaris found corresponds to the degrees of longitude or latitude of the earth. Located on this grid are the sensitive circular areas, like islands; areas with a radius of a few millimeters, as well as other geometric forms which stimulate other cognitive abilities."
The Calligaris technique is used for the diagnosis of radiations of the mineral, vegetable, animal and human realms. Biological organisms can be trained to receive, register, and respond to these radiations through coding and decoding information in the body.

The therapeutic aspect of the Calligaris material is from the manipulation of registered radiations from disharmonious levels to harmonious ones.

The basis of the Calligaris technique is simple and easy to explain: Biological systems send out measurable radiations. These radiations give information about harmony or disharmony from the eminating organic system, as sickness or health.

Of course, there are overlaps between the acupuncture system or meridians, and the lines and points of Calligaris. This is to be expected, considering that there are several thousand Calligaris points and approximately 800 acupuncture points.

Some key points of the Calligaris technique include: The human body contains thousands of spots. These spots are connected with lines, and they appear as if they were centered in the network of lines. These spots are easy to find on the human skin. The Calligaris spots are found by simply measuring the coolest spots or those of the greatest electrical conductivity. These spots have a diameter of between 8 - 12 millimeters and can be verified by relating to two or three other reflexes, which must be felt in order to make sure that the sensitizing procedure was correct.

Dr. Calligaris found that a mental image, the thought-form itself, will cause stimulation within the body. This leads to the basic idea of his doctoral thesis, "Thoughts Do Heal." There is a mental-dermal effect which physically registers on the body and shows the radiation of the thought-forms or thought-waves. Research has shown that thoughts can be regarded as objects with physical existence. Various Calligaris locations are related with certain organs, and these spots respond and correspond to emotions. So, thoughts can cause emotions and touch organs, which in turn relate to the points on the skin.

Calligaris found that the dermo-visceral-psychological-mental reflex is produced by simply rubbing certain skin areas. Resonance Diagnosis: For good results, a therapist must be well trained and in good mental and physical condition. Stimulation of the Calligaris points takes about ten to twenty minutes, depending on the case. The stimulation itself is provided by cold metal cylinders, the therapist's fingers, or by a low electrical current. Following the stimulation, the desired effects will be felt by the patient.
 CALLIGARIS-WORKSHOP an der New York University Prag im Rahmen des Studiums “Bachelor of Psychology“
Chains of the body-mind - Windows to the Cosmos
Lecture of P.   Hubert M. Schweizer
Workshop Calligaris
9th of November 2018 - 16-21   o'clock at NYU Prague

(Portrait drawed by H.Ringel / Meersburg)
Dr. Giuseppe Calligaris (* October 29, 1876  -  March 31, 1944)
Calligaris was an italian neurologist who discovered a reflexological system in the human body and developped a kind of psychosomatic effective acupuncture, called the Calligaris Technique.

In 1901 he obtained his medical degree "summa cum laude" at the Medical Faculty in Bologna for his pioneering dissertation titled IL PENSIERO CHE GUARISCE, Thoughts that Heal, stressing on the significance of suggestions in therapy.
In 1902 he became the assistant of Professor Mingazzini, the director of the Institute of Neuropathology at the Medical Faculty in Rome.                                                                                       
In 1908 he presented at the Medical Academy in Rome his famous discovery LA METAMERIA SENSITIVA SPINALE (Spinal Metameric Sensitivity)                                                                           
In 1909 he was the secretary of the first Italian Congress of Neuropathology, published his first book about EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPATHOLOGY, received the LIBERA DOCENZA (Habilitation as Adjunct Professor) in Neuropathology, and set up a hospital for nervous diseases in Udine, his homeland in Northern Italy.                              
He became a prolific writer of scientific articles and author of about two dozens of books:                            
In 1911 appeared DISTURBI DELLE SENSIBILITÀ about disturbances of segmental sensibility,
In 1915 PSICONEUROSI GASTRICHE about gastric psychoneurosis.            
Some of Calligaris books served as textbooks for students for more than two decades, for instance IL SISTEMA EXTRAPIRAMIDALE - "The extrapiramidal system", which appeared in 1927 with about 1900 pages in 2 volumes.
Today the books of Calligaris are rare. Reliable sources report that after the death of Calligaris and at the end of the Second World War soviet scientists and the American Secret Service bought up his books, interested especially in his psychic research. Nevertheless in the last 3 decades I could collect 29 different books, mainly reprints or copies of original books which I could get scanned in or by different italian libraries - about 10800 interesting pages. And only several weeks ago, in Calligaris' historic office, I even received from his great-niece an original notebook from 1932, with descriptions and sketches in Calligaris' own hand about his metapsychic experiments and Metaphysiology. Nevertheless 7 book manuscripts ready for printing disappeared, beneath them his unedited autobiography.                                    
The key points of Calligaris research were:
  • His discovery of a network of lines and points on the skin, related to the mind and the subconscious, to the organs and the psyche, lines similar to the meridians of longitude and latitude of the earth globe, and to those in the acupuncture system, a grid of longitudinal and latitudinal meridians and points on the skin, which have less electrical resistance and form geometrical patterns, sensitive areas with a radius of a few millimeters, squares that he called ‘windows to the cosmos’, because through these "plaques" and degrees of longitude and latitude seems to stream an energy, seems to flow living structuring forces inside and outside the human body.
  • He even found that our brain is just a concave mirror for a universal  consciousness.  
  • Calligaris examined for over thirty years thousands of patients, individuals, discovered that the system of coordinates and points on the skin of the human body evoked reproducible effects. Calligaris found points of intersections of cosmic energies which acted as mirrors, collectors and accumulators. He found that these points could be loaded - for instance, by magnets or non-magnetic metal cylinders, by a low faradic current or simply by putting a finger on certain points, stimulating to produce an echo in the organism or in other bodies, with certain effects felt by the patient.
  • At certain Calligaris squares on the body microbes and viruses inside the body could even show a picture of themselves upon the skin.
  • Various Calligaris points are related with certain organs, and these spots respond and correspond also to emotions. So thoughts can cause emotions and touch organs, which in turn relate to points on the skin. The Calligaris system is more psychosomatic than the acupuncture meridian system - both show some overlapping, but are independent.
  • Dr. Calligaris found that a mental image, a thought-form, will cause stimulation within a body. This leads to the basic idea of his doctoral thesis, “Thoughts that Heal.” There are psycho-somatic, organo-mental, dermo-mental effects which physically register in the body and show the radiation of  thought-forms or thought-waves. By this it has been shown that thoughts can be regarded as objects with physical existence.
  • With his research of the body-mind skin-reflex chains Calligaris proved, that working on this lines and points of the skin, which are also related to paranormal, metaphysical abilities, everybody could be stimulated to enhance clairvoyance and clairaudience, precognition and retrocognition, the same way how we learn writing or mathematical calculations.
  • In several tests with students Calligaris demonstrated at the university in Rome 1934 on november 26, that when stimulating particular parts of the skin, they could identify objects on the other side of a wall - eyewitnessed and attested  by Yogananda in his autobiography!
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